February in Your Body

I always joke that February, August, Thursday, and 7pm have the same energy. After making it through the seemingly endless month of January, February comes and goes like the blink of an eye. At this point in the year, the season has turned from dry to damp and the darkness is slowly moving towards the light. February is also love month and national heart health month. Let’s dive into some ways that you can put your best foot forward in this season of transition.

Qualities of the season

Late-Winter into Early-Spring is a season of damp, cool, cloudy quality. it environment is ripe for the renewal of life energy for the year. This Late-Winter, Early-Spring is reflected in the beginning stages of life (infancy to adolesence), the middle part of the morning (6am - 10am), and the regenerative nature of the body’s mucus-y allergy season. As the Winter begins to thaw by the increased daylight and slightly warmer temperatures, our internal climate reacts by melting away the insulating layer of fat keyed up during the Winter season. Like increases like and opposites balance, so this time of year can aggravate Kapha dosha and any systems that are affiliated.

We balance the influence of this damp, cool season by incorporating more dry, warm, mobile, clear, and sharp qualities into our diet and routine. so what does this look like?


Like others in the animal kingdom, we too shed our winter layers to prepare for the warm season ahead. For us, that looks a lot like the subcutaneous insulating layers of fat being “melted away” as the days get longer and our energy output picks up. This is a far jump from the modern and highly problematic tendency towards a “summer body”, but instead reflects the natural order operating on it’s own accord to set us up for success season by season.

Without this awareness (and supportive protocol), our blood/lymph can get congested or stagnated entirely when this process starts to shake out. We feel a sense of heaviness and lethargy as a result of our circulatory system slowing down and thickening. We can ease and accommodate this process by incorporating dry brush to move the lymph and circulation.

Scraping (lekhana) introduces a rough and mobile quality into a time that is lacking in that. For instance, tongue scraping, while extremely valuable all year round, is especially useful to both clarify and assess the nature of the digestive system during this time of purging and clearing.

Finally, and worth an addm is getting outside and moving around. We are nature, so on the sporadic nice days that we do have, we return to her warm and loving embrace. We can prepare our gardens of the spring season, enjoying the art of sprouting new life. We can clean and clear out our homes as we embrace the season of sun. Our nervous systems also greatly benefit from being outside in nature and reattuning our vibes to reflect our environment.

Diet Staples

February is still root veggie and soup season. You cannot go wrong with the liquefying hydration of a brothy soup to keep you warm and nourished. As the weather turns from dry to damp, more clarifying root veggies (such as beets, parsnips, and radishes) can support the cloudy, gunkiness of the winter melt.

Add pungents and heating spices to your meals to start heating the system up from the inside, get circulation moving, and liquefy the mucusyness of the coming allergy season. It’s also a great time to add in dry and drying fruits and veggies (astringents) that can assist in the blood-cleasing process. These include but are not limited to cranberries, dried cherries, apples, pears, and berries. Cabbage-family foods (brussel sprouts, cabbage, broccoli), aspargus, and kale also have rough qualities that can support a balanced system in this time of year.


Kapha Kulture


Homemade Noodles