passion pitta
we are comprised of the nature that surrounds us— as without, so within. we are elemental and just like nature transforms, evolves, and shifts— so, too, do our bodies. in ayurveda, we can fall out of balance both as we are born and as the result of the external stimuli on our body. we can characterize these faults via three doshas (or flaws). like the seasons, like the stages of life, like the progression of the day, we can differential three main categories: kapha, pitta, vata.
pitta is the dosha of fire, of heat, spice, pungency, of energy and activity, of sun and transformation. just like it sounds, pitta is embodied in the heat of summer, in the fire of our middle-life (from teenage years to retirement age), the midday sun, and the power of our digestion and perception.
pitta in balance
a transformative force, pitta in balance looks like strong digestion, solid build and purposeful drive. a pitta-type person can be competitive and strong-willed, singularly focused and ambitious. they are typically of a muscular build with healthy bones, clarity in their eyes and skin, and move with assuredness.
pitta out of balance
when pitta begins to rage unchecked, like a forrest fire without boundaries, we begin to see irritability, agitation, impatience, and volatility. like increases like, so pitta heat builds from the outside in and the inside out, burning up our fuel and leaving us (and nature) depleted just in time for the autumn season (vata time of year).
pitta in the body
pitta is embodied in our digestive enzymes and in our red blood cells. you can find pitta in the cellular level intelligence of our bodies mechanisms. pitta is in our liver and our gall bladder, hot organs that produce and store bile (which emulsifies the fat we eat). so when hotness increases hotness, these organs and systems are among the first culprits of fatigue and depletion.
as the seasons change, it’s useful to consider opposite qualities in our diet and routine to keep our systems relatively regulated so that our imbalances don’t progress into full blown disease. and, as always, if you’re uncertain about what to do to support pitta’s bodily process, reach out to your friendly neighborhood lifestyle consultant for help :)