june in your body

coming up on the midway point of the year and things really start to heat up. the cycle of the seasons are reflected in the cycle of life and even the cycle of the day. the beginning is cool and damp, the middle is the hottest part, and the end is chilly and dry. life imitates art imitates cycles and nature understands the concept of “work smarter, not harder”. she follows the same pattern all throughout without reinventing the wheel. with june’s arrive comes warmth and sun that winter-us dream of— so instead of immediately longing for the cold winter, let’s unpack some ways to make the most of the season without throwing your body out of balance.

lifestyle & routine

as the old adage goes, like increases like— so, as the temperatures outside rise, a lifestyle that is also hot and rajasic with minimal rest will exacerbate your hot quality. while we all may be drawn to exacerbating our hotness, heat in the body contributes to ailments such as inflammation, restlessness, anxiety, and volatility. because likeness is drawn to likeness (birds of a feather, after all), the longer days, warmth, and liveliness of the summer time fosters that in us. though the day is longer, continue to aim for sleep before 10pm so your hot organs (heart, liver) are able to reset and heal properly.

as another adage goes, opposites create balance— imbalance is the spice of life but encouraging too much imbalance makes everything harder on yourself. remember, work smarter, not harder. when you feel yourself getting caught up in the summer-y vibes of summer and need a bit of balance, try adding in a cool shower (or ever a cool face wash) in the morning.

with heat and humidity comes accumulation— this is particularly taxing on the lymphatic system which, when improperly set up in the spring, may be in a persistent state of stagnation. dry brushing (called garshana) helps to get the lymph moving. when your lymphatic system is movin and groovin, your immune response is more effective and your waste removal system gets to fire on all cylinders.

diet staples

so, in the hot time of year (and not too different from may’s staples), cooling foods and herbs will be your best bet. cucumbers, berries, bitter greens, tropical sweets, and melons will all quench your thirst and satiate the dry heat in the mouth. cilantro, fennel, coconut oil, quinoa, fish, and citrus add a splash of flavor to your meal without adding the weight/strain on your digestion.

though nothing hits like a summer-time day drink followed by some afternoon carb-loading and evening round two, alcohol is a ferment (like cheese, bread, kombucha). ferments contain the metabolic waste products from the “biotic additions” to the foods— essentially, we ingest a little bit of bacteria metabolites as a result of consumption. now, all things in moderation, but ferments in particular increase heat in the body and contribute to inflammation systemically. minimizing (or just moderating) ferment intake will support your system and save inflammatory energy for when it’s really needed.

what’s next

things are only going to get hotter and plans are going to continue to pop up, so be sure to schedule in your down time— rest, relax, recovery and then repeat so that you’re time out in life is most fulfilling. and, as always, reach out to your friendly neighborhood lifestyle consultant if you need a hand getting started.


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